
Medical Device Platform

My time as a sole designer working with 2 engineers

I was hired as a freelance designer by a medical device company to redesign and rebrand their website. I collaborated with two engineers to manage an end-to-end project, encompassing branding, designing, and developing the website. Together, we established a cohesive brand identity, selecting a modern color scheme and typography that reflected the company's innovative spirit.



Sole Designer


Jan 2024 - Mar 2024


Desktop Research
Competitive Analysis


How can we redesign our outdated medical device website to establish a stronger brand identity and modern look, enhancing user experience and engagement?


The redesigned medical device website successfully establishes a strong, modern brand identity, leading to increased user engagement and lower bounce rates.
Our platform has facilitated the sale of over one million products to date.

Building a brand identity

I developed a brand identity for the platform, focusing on creating a professional and trustworthy image. I chose a neutral base color to provide a clean foundation. The primary color, a deep blue, conveys reliability and expertise. To complement this, I selected a lighter blue as the secondary color, adding depth and a modern touch to the overall aesthetic. This strategic color palette ensures a consistent and engaging visual experience across the platform.